How to say thank you in English? In this lesson, you will learn 25 different ways of saying thank you in English. Together we will go through 7 different situations you may find yourself in when speaking in English, and learn different ways you can say thank you in English.

1.           When someone has done you a favor

            That’s very kind of you.

            You made my day!

            You’re awesome!

2.           Thanking someone casually

            Thank you.


            Thanks so much.

            Thanks a million.


3.           Thanking someone for something specific

            Thank you for your guidance.

            Thanks for explaining this to me.

            Thank you for stopping by.

4.           When someone has helped you achieve an important goal

            I couldn’t have done it without you.

            I really want to thank you for your help.

            I really appreciate everything you’ve done.

5.           When someone does something unexpected for you

            I don’t know what to say!

            Oh, you shouldn’t have!

            How thoughtful of you!

6.           When someone has helped you through tough times

            I’m really grateful for your help.

            This means a lot to me.

            Thanks for having my back.

            I owe you one.

7.           Thanking someone formally

            Thank you for contacting me.

            Thank you for your prompt reply.

            I appreciate your feedback.

            I’m grateful for your feedback

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